Sober Curiosity

Drink less, without living less 


An Educational Approach to Freedom

Calling All Drinkers Who Want To Sip Less Without Living Less

Because let's face it, 'Just Stop' is easier said than done.

And you are fed up with…
Staring at the ceiling at 3 a.m., again.
With a pounding heart and knots in your stomach, wondering,
"Why can't I just have a few drinks like everyone else and call it a night?"
Grabbing a six-pack of beer while whispering to yourself,
'Weekends only, this time for real.'
Fingers crossed as you put it in the cart, hoping this rule will finally stick.
Nursing a LaCroix while everyone's doing shots and clinking glasses.
You try to join in the laughs
but can't shake the feeling you’re missing out on the fun.

But no more…


What if you could kick that shame and self-loathing to the curb…
Imagine how amazing it would feel if you could finally quiet that never-ending inner debate between “to drink” or “not to drink”…
And picture this: actually feeling good about saying 'no thanks' to a drink—and still living your best life…

    Ready to ditch the top 3 mistakes almost every drinker makes? 

    Unlock Your Mindset Makeover (Yes, it's free!)
     (Once signed up, you will unlock 3 video lessons )
    Free Live Masterclass

    Sober Curiosity 101

    Unlock 3 Empowering Questions to Create a Better Relationship With Alcohol 
    Date: Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024
    Time: 5:30 PM PT / 8:30 PM ET / 12:30 PM AET (January 24th)

    A live workshop to help you uncover 3 empowering questions that will help you reshape your drinking pattern with compassionate curiosity, free from shame or self-judgment.

    • Stop asking the wrong questions that keep many drinkers trapped in shame and self-loathing.
    • Uncover how to use empowering questions to reshape your drinking habit with compassionate curiosity.
    • Discover a radically new way to cultivate a better relationship with alcohol. 
    Next session in:

    Oh, hey there!

    I’m Jeanette...


    Once a therapist, now your go-to guide for sober curiosity.
    An ex-daily-drinker who decided to “unfriend” alcohol.


    A rebel against the mainstream view of addiction,
    and obsessed with helping drinkers change the way they drink while living fully.
    Fiercely committed to replacing judgment with understanding, and blame with compassion


    I stand by three words: 

    Compassion, Curiosity, Understanding


    Give me a chance, and I will show you that: 
    You didn't lose control of alcohol because you were weak or broken.
    You were just trying to be happy in the best way you know how.
    And more importantly:
    You can be happy,
    even when alcohol becomes a small and irrelevant part of your life.

    4 Ways I Can Support You...


    Learn More >>

    Online Course 

    Learn More >>
    Looking for individualized support? Visit my therapy website >>

    Ready to shake off that old story of shame and blame?

    Join the “Sober Curious Minds” today!

    (It’s free)

    3X a week, I will pop into your inbox with tips, inspirations, and toolsto make changing your relationship with alcohol simpler than ever.