Get ready to replace an outdated drinking habit with empowering new routines, using...
Dry January Success Playbook
and go from “How do I do this?” to “Yesss, I got this!”

HEY, I'M Jeanette!
Once a decade-long daily drinker, turned psychotherapist, then a Sobriety Coach…
I partner with "sobriety heroes" who want to take a break from alcohol in a culture where it feels like "everyone" drinks.
I help them bring more mindfulness into their relationship with alcohol, take a strategic break from regular drinking, and learn new tools and skills to cultivate a life free from alcohol dependency.
If you're a brave soul willing to step out of your comfort zone to create a life guided by growth and purpose, I may be your person.

Uncover how to replace an outdated drinking habit with empowering new routines
( with the 3-Step Golden Formula of Habit Changing + Keystone Habit Cheat Sheet )